Track Record 2024
a unique year, filled with fascinating projects and clients. At the beginning of the year, we set a goal to continue delivering on time and on budget - very hard in construction to do this consistently. Flowing from the success of late 2023 where we started this pattern, we had only one fail; still a gorgeous product, but our costing was incorrect. Not what we wanted to have a blemish on the perfect record for 2024, and so we are redoubling our efforts for 2025!
January 15
Mayflower 2 bedroom unit
on budget
rented before completion
February 15
Private Client Wardrobe
on time
on budget
first use of the new skyline Walnut veneer
March 15
Private Client Kitchen rebuild
on time
on budget
first use of the oiled finish on rift oak plywood
April 15
Mayflower corner unit
on time
on budget
larger unit done for lower cost
rented before completion
May 15
Designer client, private residence millwork
on time
on budget
elegant modern finishes throughout
detailed display cabinets for collectibles
delighted client continues to bring us in for more work
June 15
Private client, Luxury Pool and Cabana
over budget- we over did ourselves.
stunning result
we reigned in the spend, did the last several weeks for reduced rates, finished it, to rave reviews. A good lesson.
July 15
Private Client
Private apartment - flood repair
on time
on budget
August 15
Private Client
Refinish curved railing, doors, walls in luxury home
on time
on budget
September 15
Corporate Client
mid length project - commences
extensive custom millwork throughout - watch for updates!